Monday, January 9, 2017

2017 01/09 "Heavenly Father is aware of ME"

Ya know in some movies when it's pouring rain and a girl is standing on the street corner waiting to cross the street and a taxi drives through a puddle and splashes the girl on the street corner? Well, Sister Bain was that girl THREE times this week. Yay. Taxis are the worst sometimes😂

I LOVE SUBWAY MUSIC. People just jam out with their instruments and it's soooooooo cool.
People call me "Sister Bryan" Hahaha 

FUN fact: Sister Larsen  (my trainee) is companions with Sister Evans  (who's is my trainers tainee) and we're all in the same district so we're keeping Sister Sam's  (my trainer) posterity together❤❤❤it's super fun. (Does that sentence even make sense? Hahaha) 

Okay so here's the good stuff that actually matters:
SARAH IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON FEBRUARY 4TH WOOOOOHOOOOOO she's so cool. Sister Soto thinks she's "legit" 😂😂😂 Sarah was a self-referral and ordered a Book of Mormon. She came to a baptism on Saturday when it was snowing ALL. DAY. LONG. and it was 23 degrees and she already had a cold. BUT SHE CAME and said that she was so excited for that to be her OK February 4th. #Blessed 

Marvin is the coolest guy in the whole entire state of New York. He's from North Carolina, plays the trombone for a living, LOVES the Book of Mormon, and came to church for all 3 hours yesterday for the first time and had the time of his life in priesthood meeting hahaha he likes to play his trombone while I play the piano so he wants to create a duet and play it in sacrament meeting😂😂😂 HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL. 

Jim is a published author and gave me a signed copy of his book😂he was a self-referral and ordered a Book of Mormon. He said that all his life he was constantly meeting LDS people and he was impressed with how service oriented they were and when they provided service they didn't expect any money. He said that the Restoration made sense! (Because it's true.....😎) and he said he's planning on coming to church this Sunday! 

NYC is nuts and I'm exhausted 100% of the time, but I like it here. It's pretty nice. I think I'll stay for a little while (still missing the Connecticut lifestyle's not fine hahaha)

Something I was reminded of this week (and every single day) is that Heavenly Father is aware of ME. He's aware of everything that I worry about, everything that stresses me out, everything that makes me laugh, everything that makes me happy...He knows it all and He knows a whole lot better than I do. This was a long week and there were a lot of things that I wished had gone differently, but I know that Heavenly Father knows I did my very best. He knows that even when I'm exhausted and even when I complain that I still love my calling and I still want to serve Him in New York City. Good things are happening in the big city! 

I love you all! Thank you for sending wedding pictures, selfies in Seagull Book, and our cute Christmas picture together! I looooooooooove seeing all your cute faces and I hope you're all surviving the cold!! It's 23 degrees here so yay. Stay warm!! 

Love always,

Sister Bain 🍍

Snow in NYC neighborhood

My buddy - Skater


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