Hi hey what's up 
AUNT LISA- thank you so much for the cute birthday present
I'm so happy that Keith made it home safely!! Tell him to email me ASAP
ALSO, happy (late) birthday to Aunt Nancy! There's a baptism happening in the YSA ward THIS FRIDAY! WHAT WHAT. Steven is being baptized in our ward and we are so excited. With the new YSA stake, our ward boundaries changed so we now cover Harlem, Inwood, the Bronx, and Westchester county! Steven is from the Bronx and this brave soul travels by train for an hour to come to church! He's a superstar. AND! Ann is getting baptized on July 29th in the Harlem family ward! We love her. She's been reading 1 Nephi and when we asked her how it's been going she said that she loves it. Ann is from Africa and literally left everything she has in her home country to come to New York. She said that she came here to learn the gospel but at the time she didn't know that that's what she was looking for.
she has had some incredible spiritual experiences with the Book of Mormon. I know that the Book of Mormon changes people's lives!! I love reading the Book of Mormon
I've also come to love love love the dictionary in the last week
and I could sit and read it for days (if it was on the list of approved reading material for missionaries of course....) The rumors are true, I MET PRESIDENT UCHTDORF
WOOT WOOT. He came to NYC for a meeting and asked President Smith if he could have a mission conference with us. We had the opportunity to have a sacrament meeting with him and his wife. It was too cool. He shook my hand so that was a big deal
That was a perfect way to start our week! We saw soooooooooo many miracles this week!! That same Sunday that we met President Uchtdorf (aka the best day ever), a Belgium couple came to church. In the Harlem ward we do something called "The Harlem welcome" and if you're new or visiting you stand up at the end of sacrament meeting and introduce yourself. So, this couple stands up and introduces themselves and they tell us that they want to join the church because they felt so good and happy and they want to learn more. Fast & testimony meeting was all about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. Cool. Miracle #2- we were walking and stopped at a crosswalk. The girl next to me looked at me and said "Woah, are you two Mormon??" We said yes (naturally) and she said that her aunt is a member and served a mission and she was curious about what missionaries do! We talked to her for a quick second before she had to leave and we were able to give her our information. Miracle #3- we had to go to Costco to get my glasses fixed and it was PACKED. First miracle of this story is that the guy at the door let us in even though we didn't have a Costco card (BLESSED) but with all the people we had to stand in line before we could get out the door. We were figuring out a path we could take to escape and a girl came up and asked if we were missionaries. Again, we said yes, and her boyfriend asked me "what's on your heart today, Sister Bain?" We testified of the reality of God's love and the Book of Mormon. We were able to give both Ashley and Jeffery a copy of the Book of Mormon and a restoration pamphlet. (Ps. My glasses are fine, the screws just needed to be tightened....) As we were leaving Costco we were able to help a family with their groceries and they asked why we were being so nice
we gave them a picture of Christ and they taped it to their car window. Miracle #4 a member from Pennsylvania stopped us on the street and said his sister, who just moved here from the DR, wanted to talk to missionaries. She's meeting with the Spanish sisters tonight!!
Miracle #5- we got in contact with one of our YSA members who has been on tour with the Book of Mormon musical for the past year and a half. She's super nice and fed us brunch. Miracle #6- I met Edwin on the M101 (a bus) who said he's only felt God's love when he was in prison but hasn't felt it since. I told him that I've been able to feel God's love through the Book of Mormon. So I gave him a copy and asked if I could say a prayer with him ("you wanna pray with ME? Right here on this bus? You must be outta your mind girlfriend.) But he let me pray with him anyway! Sooooooo those are just a FEW of the many miracles Heavenly Father blessed us with. We kept asking Him to help us be in the right place at the right time and He helped us out!! 
I know that God works miracles DAILY. I'm grateful to be part of His eternal and important work. It has been the best time ever.
AUNT LISA- thank you so much for the cute birthday present
Some last random thoughts brought to you by the one and only Sister Bain:
Figure out how to find joy through reading the Book of Mormon
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days." << Doc Cov 64:33-34 >>
The gospel is for everyone even when it doesn't seem like it.
Radiate goodness.
Sister Bain
Sister Bain
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Hope |
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So Cool |
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Sisters - Mission Conference |
It's a pleasure to meet you President Utchdorf. |
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