Today is Sister Larsen's birthday so we took a trip to the
city! What a good time. I'm in love with everything about this place.
This week was so good! It started off with me losing one of
my name tags. Haha. I was looking EVERYWHERE for it on Sunday and I couldn't
find it ANYWHERE. All during church I was thinking about where I would have
lost it. I was praying all day that I would find it.
Side story: I lost my winter hat last week and I prayed all
day that I would be able to find it. I was prompted to call a less-active to
ask her if I had left it in her house the night before and GUESS WHAT. She
found it outside in the parking lot. Prayers are answered.
Name tag story- I was prompted after church to call a
less-active to ask if I had lost it at their house the night before. He said he
would look for it and call if he found it. It was like 5 hours later and I
hadn't heard anything so I just accepted the fact that I had lost my name tag
forever. We went to dinner and I said one last prayer. "Heavenly Father, I
know you know where my tag is. Please help me." We went to our dinner
appointment and after that I checked our phone. GUESS WHAT. BROTHER NIEMANN
FOUND MY TAG IN HIS DRIVEWAY. It was a miracle that he found it because he
lives in the middle of no where, with no lights in his driveway, AND it was
snowing. We went to get it after our last appointment of the night and when I
saw it, the clip was broken because it had been run over by a car. Haha. But
Brother Niemann was able to fix it and all is well. I have my name tag back. I
know prayers are answered. I know that the things that are important to us-- my
winter hat and my name tag-- are important to Heavenly Father.
Another side story-- on the train this morning I saw a guy
that looked exactly like Dr. Jarman.
Something else that made this week so great was that I
finished reading the whole Book of Mormon! I know with my whole heart and soul
that the Book of Mormon is TRUE! It was written by inspired Prophets who were
called of God. I know that because Joseph Smith is a true prophet, he was able
to translate it by the power of God. And how GRATEFUL I am that I have the Book
of Mormon in my life. I know that as we read it with an open heart and pray
with real intent to know if it's true, that our Heavenly Father will give us
the answers we're looking for through the Holy Ghost. Remember- what's
important to us, is important to Him. We just have to have the faith to ask the
question- like Joseph Smith did. The Book of Mormon has changed my life. It's
the most correct book on the earth and as we apply it's teachings we will find
eternal joy in our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that's true.
I hope you're all reading the Book of Mormon every day.
It'll bless your life.
THANK YOU everyone for the Christmas packages. I appreciate
you thinking about me! I only opened the one from mom. I'm trying to practice
my self-control and wait until Christmas to open the rest. Haha.
Also, the Bain family wins for the cutest Christmas card.
#BainTrainForever ❤
I love you!!
Love you forever,
Sister Bain 🍍
Elder Jeffery R. Holland said,
"Now, with the advantage that nearly 60 years give me
since I was a newly believing 14-year-old, I declare some things I now know. I
know that God is at all times and in all ways and in all circumstances our
loving, forgiving Father in Heaven. I know Jesus was His only perfect child,
whose life was given lovingly by the will of both the Father and the Son for
the redemption of all the rest of us who are not perfect. I know He rose from
that death to live again, and because He did, you and I will also. I know that
Joseph Smith, who acknowledged that he wasn’t perfect,15 was nevertheless the
chosen instrument in God’s hand to restore the everlasting gospel to the earth.
I also know that in doing so—particularly through translating the Book of Mormon—he
has taught me more of God’s love, of Christ’s divinity, and of priesthood power
than any other prophet of whom I have ever read, known, or heard in a lifetime
of seeking. I know that President Thomas S. Monson, who moves devotedly and
buoyantly toward the 50th anniversary of his ordination as an Apostle, is the
rightful successor to that prophetic mantle today. We have seen that mantle
upon him again in this conference. I know that 14 other men whom you sustain as
prophets, seers, and revelators sustain him with their hands, their hearts, and
their own apostolic keys.
These things I declare to you with the conviction Peter
called the “more sure word of prophecy.” What was once a tiny seed of belief
for me has grown into the tree of life, so if your faith is a little tested in
this or any season, I invite you to lean on mine. I know this work is God’s
very truth, and I know that only at our peril would we allow doubt or devils to
sway us from its path. Hope on. Journey on. Honestly acknowledge your questions
and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because
all things are possible to them that believe. In the name of Jesus Christ,
--Elder Jeffery R. Holland ❤
NYC Cathedral |
NYC - Rockefeller Center |
NYC Temple Lobby |
NYC - Train Platform |
NYC - Trump Tower, Wait! What? |
NYC - With St. Nick (See Grant and Bryson, Keauna just gave Santa your Christmas lists personally.) |