Monday, January 30, 2017

2017 01/30 (happy b-day Keith) "The city life is a good life." --Sister Larsen

APPARENTLY it's Monday AGAIN. It always comes so fast! 

We did get a schedule! Instead of planning at night we plan for 30 minutes in the morning before personal study. We get 30 extra minutes to get ready in the morning. We plan comp study in when we have time during the day and preparation day starts at 8:00am instead of 10:00am. We're still supposed to be home at 9:00pm or 9:30pm if we're in a lesson and when we get home we have 1 hour and 30 minutes to get ready for bed. It's going to take awhile to get the hang of it, but it's nice. We get to use our agency to decide how we use our time-- Heavenly Father is putting His trust in His missionaries to use their time wisely!😀🙃

Anywayyyyyyy. This week was so good!! The highlight of the week is that MARVIN FELT THE SPIRIT OHHHH YEAHHHHH🤓 We've been hitting our heads again the wall trying to help Marvin have a powerful spiritual experience and Heavenly Father provided the way!! (As always.) We invited Brother Morgan, our ward mission leader, to come to Marvin's lesson with us and we watched the Restoration movie. I LOVE THAT MOVIE and I've seen people gain a greater appreciation for the Prophet Joseph Smith through watching it. We also had a less-active with us and she was basically crying the whole time. IT WAS WONDERFUL. We asked Marvin what his thoughts were after and he said "I love that guy. Joseph Smith is a cool guy and I like him." (Yeah, same.) He also said that it was eye opening and that he felt something in his heart that he really liked. (THE SPIRIT.) It was so cool to see Marvin's heart soften and be open to the spirit. I get to see the coolest miracles here in Manhattan

I've been studying prayer this week and how important it is. There's one experience that always comes to my head whenever I think of prayer. I remember one time in my life when I was having a hard time (okay MULTIPLE times in my life) and dad would come say nightly prayers with me. It was for probably a month straight that when I was ready to say my prayers before bed, dad would come and kneel with me-- and that changed my life. One night in particular was especially hard and I remember just kneeling there and crying. Dad put his arm around me and told me to imagine Jesus Christ sitting next to me. I've thought of that night every time I kneel to pray and how dad taught me that when I pray, my Savior is kneeling with me and my Father in Heaven really is listening. I can pour out my heart to Him and He understands. There's a quote that I read the other day that went something like "Every moment of precious prayer is holy time spent with our Father." I know that prayer is a commandment for a reason. He wants to hear from each of His children! Prayer really is special time spent with the one who loves us most-- so take advantage of it morning and night and all the hours in between! 🤗 

IS BRIANNE COMING HOME THIS WEEK??? OR NEXT WEEK??? I am dying because I want to accidentally run into her and the Gurney family at the temple sometime 😂 it's going to happen one day. I'm serious. We can go to Shake Shack because UT doesn't have that😭😂

Anyway, we're off to Chelsea Market! BYE! ❤❤❤

I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful week!!
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Ps. I got to go on splits with Sister Larsen and it was sooooooooooo much fun!! I LOVE her. We went out and got a split treat at Magnolia Bakery. YUM

PPs. Sister Soto wanted me to tell you that she threw up in the middle of the street all over a super nice BMW on Friday 😂😂😂 The NYNYN mission is full of sick missionaries right now...BUMMER. 

ALSO: Since I've been really sick lately, I would appreciate extra prayers for good health!! I have a really bad cold. I'm super congested and there's this constant pressure in the back of my head and my whole body aches. I AM EXHAUSTED. Wayyyyyy more than I usually am. On Friday night I only slept for 2 hours and so on Saturday I slept until noon....(President said it was okay I promise haha😂) but I just need some extra prayers to keep me going😁THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU!!  

My goal this transfer is to drink more water!! 

Empire State Building

Radio City Music Hall

Share Treat with Sister Larsen

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