Monday, April 10, 2017

2017 04/10 "OH! YOU'RE IN A PSYCH WARD TOO???"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDON!!!! I can't wait to hear when he gets his mission call! 
Wasn't Elder Bednar's talk from general conference STRAIGHT. FIRE. I read it the other day and was blown away. (As usual.) Have a good day, B! ☉🌷🐣

This week was good! It's finally spring here in NYC and we are LOVING it. 🌷 Sorry to hear dad is sick! What a BUMMER. I'm glad everyone is giving you sympathy though 😂 

The trains were crazy this week so we were all over the place 😂 but you just have to go with it 😂 We've never felt so popular in New York City until we were in a subway car with over 30 high school students from Provo. 😂 Trains are the BEST though. I was on a split with Sister Lin from Chinatown and she was companions with Hanna Jones in Kingston so I was telling her "Yeah! Sister Jones is in my ward!" And this lady next to me says "OH! YOU'RE IN A PSYCH WARD TOO???" We got off at the next stop and I proceeded to die of laughter. Anyway, this split with Sister Lin was WONDERFUL. She's so sweet AND we went into the MTC together! Spanish Splits are nice because I can usually follow what's going on, but Chinese Splits are sooooooooooo hard because I understand ZERO Chinese. It was fun because I could still feel the spirit even though I was clueless. 

We also taught English class so at least I kinda understood that 😂 I am sooooooooooo excited for this week. Easter has always been one of my very favorites. I have no many thoughts about what Easter means to me so hopefully this all makes sense 😂 As we've shared #PRINCEofPEACE with everyone this week, I've gained a new perspective and that is: PEACE brings HOPE. And hope is what the gospel is all about. Hope through Jesus Christ. Hope that comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ and hope from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Preach My Gospel says, "When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good." There isn't one person who isn't in need of hope. And my greatest joy is found in the hope that comes from the resurrection and that families are forever! Today, April 10th, is the anniversary of Grandpa Bain's passing and I've always felt a sense of peace and hope on this day. Grandpa Bain has always been a role model to me. I miss him every day and I love him more and more as the years go by. I know that because of my Savior Jesus Christ, I'll be able to see him again. One day I'll be able to tell him that I felt him helping me while I've been in New York City as a full-time missionary. And I know that sweet Sister Gray will see her husband again. I loved Brother Gray. Sister Gray and her family are in my prayers FOR SURE. Brother Gray was always SO happy. I'm grateful for this Easter season when we are reminded of the hope that is available to EVERYONE because of our Savior. During this time of year, and always, let's all let hope be the anchor to our souls. D&C 138:14- "All these had departed the mortal life, FIRM in the HOPE of a glorious resurrection, through the grace of God the Father and his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ." ☉🌷🐣 What does "hope" mean to you? 

I hope you all have a wonderful week full of miracles! I know that Jesus Christ LIVES! 
Happy Easter! I love you! 

Be Bold. Be courageous. Be honest. Be truthful. 
有了, (with love)
白姐妹 🍍(white sisters)
Bái jiěmèi

Ps. All the sisters serving in Manhattan get to go to the United Nations on Thursday to hear from Sister Bingham!! (General RS President) ❤❤❤ HOW COOL! 

Sister Lin
Sister J had a birthday last Tuesday so the elders got Mochi for district meeting!

Manhattan sisters at Zone Conference ☺

with Sister Lim

Sister Jacobsen had a birthday last Tuesday so the elders got Mochi for district meeting!

Manhattan sisters at Zone Conference ☺

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