I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. I wanted to see Aunt Kim and Brianne SO bad this week and GUESS WHAT. PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED PEEPS. I SAW THEM TWICE. It was the best ever. Conference season makes me miss home a lot and being with the Gurney's made me feel so loved. I'm sooooooooooo grateful and all the other missionaries are happy I finally got to see them too
I hope grandpa and Roomie had a good birthday!! AND Rook AND Jared AND Aunt Jo. I always get sooooooooooo confused about what day everyone's birthday is. I just know that there's a million birthdays in March
Also, ROOMIE'S PICTURES ARE INCREDIBLE. HOLY SMOKES. All the missionaries here think she's 24
what a cutie. She's going to be a college girl soon! 
Story of the week: Sister Larsen and I went on a split and got stuck in an elevator. It was so scary

But have no fear, the New York City fire department saved us 

it's fine now. I just have a huge fear of elevators now and have to use them ALL DAY EVERY DAY 

RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU LOVED CONFERENCE!!!!!! (*Sister Bain raising both her hands*)
Conference is my favorite time of year. I'm grateful for all the wonderful things I learned!! One of my favorite talks is the one that Mom mentioned from Sister Jones (not Makail Jones...haha I'm hilarious I know.) She talked about keeping our covenants. Mom said that we can't just keep our covenants when it's convenient or easy. And I LOVE that. We are to keep our covenants ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S HARD. There are SO many less-actives here that are return missionaries, children of apostales and members of the 70, children of stake presidents and bishops. They're people who have made promises with our Heavenly Father to ALWAYS remember Him and to keep His commandments. But every time we talk to them they all say that they're 1. Lazy 2. Don't agree with church policy or 3. "Not living the gospel is easier than living the gospel." (EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT.) IT'S NOT EASY. If living the gospel were easy, we wouldn't grow and if we don't grow and change....THEN WHAT'S THE POINT?? So, let's all keep the spirit of Conference in our hearts always and be covenant keepers. I had the thought "Do what He's asked you to do because you promised you would." I'm going to keep my word and keep my sacred covenants 
Last item of business. #PRINCEofPEACE ☉ It's available on gospel library AND mormon.org!! I know that through Jesus Christ we can find LASTING peace. As Easter comes, take a minute to write down how you've found peace through Jesus Christ. SHARE THE VIDEO ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM (can you even do that on instagram...?) I can use Facebook so I'll know if you've done it or not, but I hope you'll take the time to share it and write your testimony of the Savior so your friends can feel the spirit. 
I know Jesus Christ lives.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Spring is here in NYC!
I love you so much!
Love always,
Sister Bain 
Ps. I cut 12 inches off my hair and nobody noticed. It's fine. 

The Gurney's 
Last week at the Brooklyn Bridge
We went for a bike ride in central park today!! Sooooooooooo beautiful. I love wearing pants hahaha
Brooklyn Bridge with awesome friends. |
Bike ride in Central Park (in pants!) |
New York City in the Spring |
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Met the Gurney's during Conference (on accident, I promise) |
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