My birthday is in less than ONE week so everyone better be
in the celebrating mood 💕 make June 12th the
best day everrrrrrrrrrrr 🍍🎂🚕☀️🎈🎉🎁✨🇺🇸🍦
Also, don't forget that Jacob is turning 14. WHAT WHAT. One more year and he
can DRIVE. He. Is. So. Old. 😢😭 so basically
I blinked and 6 WEEKS has gone by. Transfers are NEXT WEEK. How did that even
I feel like this week went by the fastest and I don't even know what
happened. We found soooooo many awesome people this week-- for all the other
missionaries to teach 😂 we're all on the same
team though so it's fine. But! Sunday was too good. I REALLY loved church this
week. Soooooo I wanted to share with you some things that I learned. Wait,
before I do that though....i wanted to share something cool. Remember that less
active I told you about a couple of weeks ago that paid her tithing for the
first time? WELL. She got her patriarchal blessing on Sunday!! HOW COOL IS
OKAY, now this is what I learned.
(DISCLAIMER: This is the gospel according to Sister Bain and
it's all just random thoughts that I'm throwing together in hopes that they
make sense. So. Here we go.) Remember in all the superhero stories there's a
big "come back" story? Where they're in a bad place or down on
themselves/their abilities and they come out of it and have this big triumphant
moment in the end? I think we like the idea of a "superhero come back
story" because it resonates with our eternal beings. Our ability to
"come back" is an eternal truth because of the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. I wanna talk about Alma 36 (AGAIN. I'm pretty sure this is my all-time
favorite chapter to read in the Book of Mormon. FOR REAL.) Alma the younger is
the ultimate example of a great "come back" story. Alma has this
vulnerable side that is really inspiring. He allows himself to open up and WANT
help. He WANTS to become better. (After an angel appears to him and tells him
to stop being a punk haha) He doesn't want to be in the "gall of
bitterness." In Alma 36:12-17 he describes the torment that he went
through. He says "I was racked with eternal torment...I saw that I had
pains of a damned soul." What a bummer, right? He was at his all-time low.
He was basically rock bottom. In verse 15, Alma feels a lot of different
things. He feels really overwhelmed and undeserving of forgiveness (which is a
very human thing to feel.) He wanted to be banished and he didn't even want to
see God because he was so ashamed. BUT! In verse 17 he says, "Behold, I
remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the
coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world."
is PRAY. I LOVE THAT SO MUCH. Because at times when I've felt a little bit like
Alma did, I've remembered mom and dad sharing testimony of the Savior. And
that's my life line. I've held on to the truth that mom and dad know and over
time I've come to learn those things for myself. THANKS MOM AND DAD for
teaching me about the Savior so in times of trial, I can REMEMBER those
spiritual experiences. He goes on to cry out for mercy and as soon as he asked
for forgiveness, HE GETS IT. He receives those feelings of joy that he has
longed for. "And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea,
my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!" I KNOW THAT THE
JOY WE FEEL FROM REPENTANCE IS REAL. And oh how sweet it is. Alma the younger
was able to make his come back and he was filled with so much more joy than he
could have ever imagined. He gets up and tells the people that he "had
been born of God." This kind of come back can happen for all of us.
Because of Jesus Christ we can have multiple "come back" stories. I
know that Jesus Christ WILL NOT GIVE UP ON ANYONE. There is hope- even when we
don't see it. There are so many chances available for all of us. I know there
is a "come back" story in everyone's lives. IT IS POSSIBLE. It may
not be "all better" right this second, but I know that peace and
comfort WILL come.
<<Alma 36:3>>
For I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God
shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions,
and shall be lifted up at the last day.
So basically I love the scriptures and I will forever love
Alma 36 ☀️ Repentance is cool and the Atonement of Jesus
Christ is real. The elevator stress is okay. I still get really nervous
(terrified, actually.) But I had a cool experience the other day. We were
getting into an elevator and going to the 14th floor. I was more nervous than
usual and I was just standing there praying. We got on and I had the thought
"remember what you've studied about faith." I've been studying faith
in Jesus Christ this week and I've learned that faith is to have confidence
that God will fulfill all His promises. In my priesthood blessing last week I
was promised safety and protection and peace and comfort. Next, I had the
thought "do you trust me?" I got out of the elevator with a new goal
to trust in the Lord's promises. And I am just fine. ❤
while we were walking home the spirit reminded me of both Mom and Grandma Wood
telling me that they put my name on the prayer roll at the temple. THAT brought
me sooooo much comfort. THANK YOU!! 💞
Tell Grant congratulations for all his awesome awards!!
What a champ. Happy last day of school and happy summer vacation!! How has the
school year already ended? What the what. ALSO. I am soooooooo excited to hear
all about TREK! I really liked how last time you gave them something every day
that would remind them of their trek experience. So do that again. I'm actually
really jealous. I LOVED Trek.
Okay so I love you all and thank you for putting the flag
out for my birthday haha that makes me so happy. Also, we get mail on Thursdays
so I'll probably get your package at the end of next week. (hopefully...)
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍
700 White Plains Rd.
Suite #315
Scarsdale, New York
Suite #315
Scarsdale, New York
District picture :)
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