Sunday, October 8, 2017

2017 10/04 “What are your goals now that conference is over?”

First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT MICHELLE!!! 💗 And! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA BAIN on Tuesday! Birthdays are thee. best. I hope you all have the best day ever!
Wasn't General Conference just AMAZING???? 😍 I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE. It was nice to see that Kent's look-a-like is still in the choir. There was also a guy in there that looked like Bryan Dickerson 😂 I always love the music at General Conference. My take away from conference was to be kind. I was asking a lot of questions of what more I can do these next few weeks to bring myself closer to the Savior. I loved the messages of us being children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we all have potential. We are all capable to accomplishing so much more as we are yoked with the Savior. We are all commanded to forgive. So, I made some goals and plans about how I show love towards others and just a nice person. 
What are your goals now that conference is over? I also loved Elder Anderson's talk about continually learning from general conference throughout the year ❤ #blessed 
I hope you all have a good week this week! Sorry I'm lame sometimes and don't write good emails hahaha 
I still love you though! 

Good luck speaking at Stake Conference, mom!! I'll be praying for you!! 💗
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍
"Many people hear the word disciple and think it means only “follower.” But genuine discipleship is a state of being. This suggests more than studying and applying a list of individual attributes. Disciples live so that the characteristics of Christ are woven into the fiber of their beings, as into a spiritual tapestry."
-Elder Robert D. Hales 💕 (I LOVE HIM and will miss him so much!) 

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