Wednesday, May 24, 2017

2017 0524 "Are y'all the Mormon people?"

What's upppppppp 💕🚕
This subject line is something that people say to us ALL. THE. TIME. Hahaha we say yes and they usually proceed to ask us why we are not wearing white shirts and ties. #HarlemLife

I AM SO EXCITED FOR BRANDON AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH MEXICO IS SOOOOOO LUCKY OH MY GOODNESS I AM SO EXCITED FOR HIM. Let's not talk about how I won't see Brandon for like 4 years??? #MissionsAreCool 🌷 In honor of Brandon getting his mission call, I reread my mission call and I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR MY MISSION CALL AND FOR MY ASSIGNMENT TO LABOR. I know this is the Lord's work! 

Alsoooooooo. CONGRATS TO ROOMIE FOR GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL. Maybe now she'll have time to write me or send me some pictures 😉 sooo many awesome things are happening!! 

This week was wonderful🍦I love the time I get to spend in Harlem. This past week I've been thinking a lot about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the sacrament. The Living Christ says "He instituted the sacrament as a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice." I love watching the young men break the bread during the sacrament hymn. The church could streamline pre-cut bread if they really wanted to, that would make it a lot easier, but.....that's not the purpose. We see the bread be broken and torn symbolizing Jesus Christ as He performed the Atonement and was eventually crucified. I also thought about the Bishops responsibility during the sacrament. It's Bishop Bain's responsibility to make sure the sacrament is being done correctly for every SOUL that will partake of it. Find gratitude in the trust He has given you, Bishop Bain. (No pressure haha) so, this week I'm working on ALWAYS REMEMBERING HIM. What are you going to do to "always remember Him"? 🌼🍃

**MIRACLE: We're working with a less-active in the area who just moved here from the West Coast (the best coast.) and she hasn't been to church for probably 10 years. She's had a lot of difficult trials recently that have helped her want to come back to church and feel peace. We met her a couple of weeks ago (and we're basically best friends). She's so sweet and I love seeing her change as she's committed to read the Book of Mormon daily. That book really does change lives and if you don't believe me (which you should.) try it out yourself. Read it, then pray and have faith that God will answer you. Anyway. We got a text from her the other day and she told us that she had just paid her tithing for the first time in her life! WHAT WHAT. She said that it was a big sacrifice because money is tight, but she knows she'll see blessings from it. TAKE ABOUT AN ACT OF FAITH. She's so cool. 

You asked about Facebook. It's sooo weird being on Facebook as a missionary. We like to post things on Facebook as a way of uplifting the members in our ward that we're friends with, investigators, and family back home. It's pretty cool that the Lord trusts us with Facebook haha Ps. 

Anyway, I think that's about it from here. I'm glad Kevin's talk went well! I can't believe Keith comes home soon too. What the heck. I'm grateful for cousins. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week full of many many miracles!! 

I love youuuuuuuuu ❤❤❤

Love always,

Sister Bain 🍍

Book Exchange
Book Exchange - Inside (BOM)

Manhattan - South side

Sisters - Send you peace

Skyline from the appartment

Wall art

Rest in the Shade

Harlem tree lined street

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