Wednesday, November 22, 2017

2017 11-22 "See you next week!"

Hey Fam 🀘
So first things first, I love you all so much. And I am so grateful for you. We'll talk Thanksgiving in a couple of minutes, but I am so grateful for each of you FOR EVER AND EVER. ❀❀❀

I've been reading Helaman in the Book of Mormon and I LOVE Helaman 5:35-41. It's the story of Aminadab. Aminadab was raised in the church and was taught the gospel but later in his life fell away. He was reminded by the spirit the steps of repentance which he in turn taught to the people around him. Aminadab remembers the gifts of the spirit!! I have read this story before but this time the spirit taught me that IT IS POSSIBLE TO COME BACK. It's possible for everyone. It also makes me think of the prodigal son and how his father welcomed him home with open arms. I know that the Savior is like that for each one of us. It's so easy for us to forget but the Lord has asked that we always remember- and always remember Him πŸ’• 

With Thanksgiving coming up TOMORROW I've taken time each night this week to write down 1 miracle the Lord blessed me with that day. I've seen that I often write more than one miracle because my Heavenly Father has given me so much #blessed I read a talk by President Uchtdorf called "Grateful in Any Circumstance" (I would highly recommend this talk by the way) πŸ‘but something he said that really made me happy was, "My dear brothers and sisters, THE CHOICE IS OURS. We can choose to limit our gratitude, based on the blessings we feel we lack. Or we can choose to be like Nephi, whose grateful heart NEVER FALTERED." Happiness and gratitude are a choice- it's up to us. Some things that I'm grateful for this Thanksgiving are:
The Book of Mormon 
The spirit
Nice people
The priesthood 
My companions 
The Maurer Family (they invited us over for Thanksgiving)
The sunshine
Fall leaves
Hot chocolate
The Restoration 
President and Sister Smith 
The white handbook 
My Savior and His Atonement
Companions that make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (that's happening right now and I am so so happy.)
But most of all, I'm grateful for this opportunity to serve as a missionary here in the New York New York North Mission. Connecticut and New York are so special ❀ and I have been so blessed with so much. THINK TO THANK this Thanksgiving season and live with an attitude of gratitude all year long. We have so much to be grateful for because of the love from our Heavenly Father! 

Well, this is it kids. I LOVE THIS MISSION. I LOVE NEW YORK. I LOVE HAVING A COMPANION(S). I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON. I LOVE MY SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. I LOVE SHARING MY TESTIMONY WITH RANDOM PEOPLE ON THE TRAIN AND ON THE BUS. This has been such a special and sacred time in my life. I have seen so many miracles come from having the authority to promise people blessings. I've been blessed with strength FAR beyond my own and love that I know doesn't come from me alone. As I think about the beginning of my mission I just have to smile because I can see how much I've learned since I was in Darien, Connecticut. My Heavenly Father has given me members, investigators, and companions that have taught me so much. I've seen my testimony become so much more than it could have been had I stayed home. I've had some of the best and some of the worst times of my life here in NYC. It's been hard, but you don't really remember the hard times. I know that Heavenly Father has given me the ability to remember all the happy times of my mission to keep me going. HE HAS BEEN SO GOOD TO ME. IT'S UNREAL. I'm still a piece of work, I still have faults, I still make a ton of mistakes. But I know who I can turn to to become better. I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He is my Savior and that He waiting for each of us, like Aminadab, to come back and keep doing all that we can to follow Him. He KNOWS that I will mess up, but He loves me still. What a blessing- to know that we will always be loved and cared for. 

I know that this is His work.
I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. 



See you next week!

Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

"Miracles are the fruits of faith" -Joseph Smith 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

2017 11-15 Too Busy for a long one...

OKAY hi ❀
Kevin emailed me so I was stoked about that. Keith better email me before next week or he's dead meat. (Still love him though hahaha) πŸ’•

This week was wonderful in so many ways. But, my brain is fried and I can't remember anything hahaha what else is new? πŸ˜‚

OKAY I literally have nothing to write about today. We did so much but I honestly can't remember anything haha

I did read that talk dad told me to read by Elder Bednar. I would recommend that to EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.

I WILL write a good email next week

I love you ❀
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Here's some pictures because I'm lame haha 

Also, it's FREEZING here so yay I love that

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

2017 11/08 "My heart is filled to the top with gratitude and all the good feelings"

Hey fam β˜€οΈ
This was a good week. My heart is filled to the top with gratitude and all the good feelings πŸ’•

We had zone conference on Thursday which was really special. We learned about how obedience fuels our faith and as we are obedient we will have the spirit with us. As I was sitting at zone conference I reflected a lot on the many spiritual experiences I've been blessed with on my mission. I'm grateful for all that the spirit has taught me ❀

At zone conference, President Smith reminded us that in order to go to the temple with a recent convert, we have to help them do family history so they can do their own family name, they have to have a member with them, and only 2 missionaries can go. We planned to take Anne to the temple next weekend to be baptized for her grandma, but on Friday, our Bishop told us that Anne was going to the temple on SATURDAY- the next day. I was soooooooo sad. Bishop sensed my disappointment and asked if we had other plans with the temple and I told him we were hoping to go with her so we wanted to go next weekend. He pulled out his phone, called President Smith and said "Hey, President. I have Sister Bain here with me and she's my favorite sister missionary. I messed up and scheduled a time for Anne to go to the temple and didn't ask first, but Sister Bain is going to go to the temple with Anne tomorrow. Just so you know." πŸ˜‚ They talked for a little while, but long story short- I had the privilege of going to the temple with Anne for the first time. What a blessing. πŸ’› Bishop is a true friend- so grateful for him.

Speaking of Anne (because I can't stop talking about her), she bore her testimony in sacrament meeting on Sunday!!!!! ❀ AND SHE QUOTED A SCRIPTURE FROM THE BOOK OF MORMON. She quoted 2 Nephi 31:20 and talked about the need to "press forward" πŸ’• I AM STILL CRYING ABOUT IT. She talked a lot about how God loves each of us and that He loves us more than we realize. As she spoke, I felt so much love for the Harlem 1st Ward, my 2 companions, the sisters we live with and the people we teach. It was an interesting experience to feel so much love for so many different people.

We crossed the NYC Marathon 2 times just to get to church. It was a nightmare. Hahaha
We just got done with the temple and it was WONDERFUL. I love the temple so so much.
I hope you all have a good week! I probs forget to tell you a TON of stuff.
But, I'll see ya soon and tell you in person πŸ˜‰

I love you!!!!
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

2017 11/01 "Miracle of the week..."

Yay Halloween has come and gone. On to THANKSGIVING- my FAVORITE. (Besides Christmas, Easter, the 4th of July, and my bday obviously🀘

We had to be inside by 6:30pm and then we started our weekly planning. We didn't get very far because President Smith called and said that Sis. Holmes and I are becoming a trio tonight. 

THANKS FOR THE AUTUMN PACKAGE! First of all, zebra popcorn has changed my life. Second, it made me SO happy. Happy fall, y'all! Also, 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Aunt Pam on Nov. 6th! Have the best day everrrrrrrr ❀❀❀

Miracle of the week- WE TAUGHT ANNE'S HUSBAND!!!! McArthur Etisi. Woot woot. We taught the Restoration and it was the best Restoration I've taught my whole mission. It was SOLID. Sis. Holmes shared the first vision and the spirit filled the whole room. Anne was BEAMING the whole time and helped us teach!! She shared her testimony and told stories AND the cherry on top was President Smith skyped in and both Anne and McArthur were SO happy to talk to him. We prayed with McArthur to ask Heavenly Father if what we taught was true and we literally knelt down for 15 minutes. He looked at Anne and said "I feel that this is true." β€β˜€οΈ Bap date coming soon 😌

Well folks, this is it. I gotta run. We have to pick up our 3rd person.

Have a wonderful week!

I love you! 

Love always, 
Sister Bain 🍍

I was Sis. Holmes for Halloween haha funny, I know. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNT KIM (on Tuesday)!!! ❀ I love you so much and hope you have the best day EVER. Harlem is a good place to spend your birthday.....just sayin. 😁

This week was wonderful. It started with me getting access to Frances Bain's patriarchal blessing! SHE WAS IN THE NEW YORK NEW YORK STAKE WHEN SHE GOT HER PATRIARCHAL BLESSING. GUESS WHAT. I AM IN THE NEW YORK NEW YORK STAKE. What the WHAT. How cool is that?! And it's cool because she's called "Sister Bain" in her blessing ❀ There were also a lot of similarities between her blessing and mine! 😊 I'm excited to start being more diligent with family history and learning more about her!

So maybe you saw, maybe you didn't, but Elder Rasband was in Harlem again this Sunday! The Harlem branch was formed 20 years ago last weekend. 20 years ago while Elder Rasband was here as a mission president, he had a vision for what Harlem could become and created a branch. Elder Rasband is our Bishops mission president so he called Elder Rasband and told him about the celebration we were having. Turns out, a year ago, Elder Rasband was asked to preside at a stake conference in Jersey THE SAME WEEKEND AS THE HARLEM ANNIVERSARY. Divine design, or what?! πŸ’• I was lucky enough to be in Harlem the last time Elder Rasband came so it was so fun to see him again. (We're super good friends obviously because he remembered me 😭😁😊 "Wow, Sister Bain. You're still here in Harlem?" πŸ˜‚ Yes. Yes I am. It's fine.) I loved being taught by the spirit ❀

Another miracle. WE FOUND ANOTHER FAMILY OF 7 WHAT WHAT WHAT. The Lord is blessing us and being SO good to us! Aissatou is from West Africa and is a single mother of 6! We were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon and why it's so important 😍 We're meeting with her and her family tonight at 6:30 so pray for her and for us, okay? 😊 THANKS!

We did a service project this week for a Methodist church down the street. We decorated the medians for fall/Halloween and it was such a good time. I walked around Harlem in jeans so I hated that πŸ˜‚ our members kept telling us it was weird to see us in "civilian clothes" πŸ˜‚

I love this work and I know it's the Lord's.
Exact obedience brings miracles- like families of 7 ❀
I love my Savior and I know that He LIVES!!

Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

2017 10/18 "...we are to find the one and minister to them."

Sister Holmes makes a treat every night after we come home (I'll probs be 15 pounds heavier by the end of this transfer. It's fine.) Treat of the week: Apple pie. Fall has arrived in NYC πŸ’›  I LITERALLY HAVE TO WEAR TIGHTS NOW AND IT'S REALLY TICKING ME OFF. Ugh. Love/don't love fall. (Fall also means Halloween so you defs know I'm not excited about that............) Transfers happend and Sister Horton is on a plane right now going back to San Diego. Lame. I miss her. But! I'll be spending my last 6 weeks with Sister Holmes in Harlem. #HarlemForDayz YAY! 

In church on Sunday we talked about Visiting Teaching and all the sisters were like "well I never had super great examples of diligent visiting teachers because of reason xyz" and I was sitting there thinking "well my mom is a rockstar and does her visiting teaching and always makes cookies and writes cards so come to my house and my mom will teach you."  To me- visiting teaching is SUPER important. SISTER HOLMES AND I WOULDN'T HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE WARD LIST IF EVERYONE DID THEIR VISITING AND HOME TEACHING. I'm just sayin. But it got me thinking about the purpose of visiting/home teaching- we are called to find the one- the one that's lost, the one that's broken, the one that needs extra love, the one that needs a friend, the one that needs a hug....Christ ministers individually to us so if we are to FOLLOW HIM and do as He did, we are to find the one and minister to them. WHAT AN AWESOME OPPORTUNITY! Because my brain is fried from a head cold/sneezing literally every 10 minutes, here's a quote by President Kimball that explains what I'm feeling.

"I have always been impressed that the Lord deals with us personally, individually. We do many things in groups in the Church, and we need organizations of some size to allow us to administer the Church well, but so many of the important thingsο»Ώβ€”the most important thingsο»Ώβ€”are done individually. We bless babies one at a time, even if they are twins or triplets. We baptize and confirm children one at a time. We take the sacrament, are ordained to the priesthood, or move through the ordinances of the temple as individualsο»Ώβ€”as one person developing a relationship with our Father in Heaven. There may be others nearby us in these experiences, just as there are others in your classroom, but heaven’s emphasis is on each individual, on every single person. When Christ appeared to the Nephites, he said:
β€œArise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet. …
β€œAnd it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record” (3 Nephi 11:14–15).

That experience took time, but it was important that each individual have the experience, that each set of eyes and each pair of hands have that reaffirming, personal witness. Later Christ treated the Nephite children exactly the same way. β€œHe took their little children, one by one, and blessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them” (3 Nephi 17:21).
It will be hard for you to give all of the personal attention some of your students both want and need, but try the best you can to think of them individually, to let them feel something personal and special in the concern of you, their teacher. Pray to know which student needs what kind of help, and remain sensitive to those promptings when they then come. Remember that the very best teaching is one on one and often takes place out of the classroom. In your search for individually teaching each student, you will most certainly discover that some are not doing as well as others and that some are not making it to class at all. Take personal interest in such students; give extra-mile effort to invite and help the lost sheep back into the fold. β€œRemember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10). An incalculable price has been paid by our Savior for every one of us, and it is incumbent on us to do all we can to assist Him in His work. It is incumbent on us to make sure that the gift of the Atonement is extended to every young man or woman we have responsibility for. In your situation, that means keeping them in full activity in your classes. Give special attention to those who may be struggling, and go out as necessary to find the lost sheep. A written postcard, a telephone call, or, if possible, a personal visit to a home in many cases will have a wonderful result. Personal attention to a young person just beginning to stray may save hours and hoursο»Ώβ€”indeed, years and yearsο»Ώβ€”of effort later in our attempt to reclaim that person to activity. Do all you can to fortify the strong one and reanchor the wayward ones at this age."

I love that! Sister Cole from the RS shared a story that shows this concept of  finding and ministering to the one. She said that her mother-in-law was asked to visit teach this girl that had been inactive for most of her life. She had gotten into some trouble with the law multiple times, had become addicted to many illegal drugs and was all around in a bad spot in life. Sister Cole's mother-in-law would go every month to drop off a card, a little treat, called, texted, sent Christmas cards...everything....but never got a response back. Then one day, Sister Cole's mother-in-law was doing her daily routine when she got a phone call- from this girl that she was assigned to visit teach. This girl had gotten into some trouble again and was in jail and needed someone to come and get her. She called her visiting teacher and said "I knew you'd come and help me because I know that you care about me." We never know how much good we do as we act on our faith to reach out to the one. I know that Jesus Christ does this for all of us. And I know that we will see miracles as we reach out and minister to those we are called to teach.

I love this work. I know it's the Lord's. I know that our Heavenly Father loves His children and I know that He will always find us when we are lost BECAUSE HE LOVES EACH OF US. 

Love always,

Sister Keauna Bain 🍍

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

2017 10/11 "WE FOUND A FAMILY OF 7!"

First of all, I'm so mad that "Sushi" was the answer to my password question. HE WASN'T EVEN MY PET and let's not forget the hermit crabs we had. My first pets name was ACTUALLY Sebastian ugh. #ripSebastian ☠What was I even thinking? πŸ˜‚

Anyway, we visited Anne and I asked her if she liked Halloween and she said "no, it's a devilish thing. It's Satan's holiday." πŸ˜‚ HAHAHAHA I've taught her well πŸ˜‰ (KIDDING. I didn't brainwash her okay.) Madeleine is doing great. She's been really sick this week which has been sad, but she's on her way to a quick recovery! πŸ’—

I'm excited about this new stake presidency! Jared Wood is an ALL-STAR πŸ€™ I super like him and ALSO I'm so happy for his daughter, Meg, serving a mission. She's so awesome. I've learned so much from President Brown and will forever be grateful for him. He's taught me a lot about the importance of the temple and always keeping myself in check so I can always be worthy to attend the temple. #Grateful πŸ‘idk who President Rasmussen is but I'm sure he's cool.

I'm on my way to the Bronx zoo right now so yay (pics coming soon) I SAW THAT KIM WAS AT THE BRONX ZOO A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO AND I WANTED TO GO WITH HER UGH 😭😭😭 It's fine though πŸ˜‰ Also, can you keep sending Brandon's emails to me? Thank you! πŸ’—

This week was a week fill of miracles! Because I have .5 seconds to write, I just wanted to share a super awesome one with you! WE FOUND A FAMILY OF 7 PEOPLE. WOOT WOOT. CAN YOU CAN MIRACLES FOR DAYZ OR WHAT!!!! πŸ‘ The dad ordered a bible from and so we went to deliver it. We get there, and he's not there, but the mom is there with all 5 of her kids! So. We teach them the Restoration and they accept an invitation to be baptized and they're comin to church!!!! PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED AND FASTING WORKS.
Sorry gotta run.
Here's some pics πŸ˜‚
I love you all so much πŸ’—
Lot of love,
Sister Bain 🍍

Sunday, October 8, 2017

2017 10/04 β€œWhat are your goals now that conference is over?”

First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT MICHELLE!!! πŸ’— And! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA BAIN on Tuesday! Birthdays are thee. best. I hope you all have the best day ever!
Wasn't General Conference just AMAZING???? 😍 I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE. It was nice to see that Kent's look-a-like is still in the choir. There was also a guy in there that looked like Bryan Dickerson πŸ˜‚ I always love the music at General Conference. My take away from conference was to be kind. I was asking a lot of questions of what more I can do these next few weeks to bring myself closer to the Savior. I loved the messages of us being children of a loving Heavenly Father and that we all have potential. We are all capable to accomplishing so much more as we are yoked with the Savior. We are all commanded to forgive. So, I made some goals and plans about how I show love towards others and just a nice person. 
What are your goals now that conference is over? I also loved Elder Anderson's talk about continually learning from general conference throughout the year ❀ #blessed 
I hope you all have a good week this week! Sorry I'm lame sometimes and don't write good emails hahaha 
I still love you though! 

Good luck speaking at Stake Conference, mom!! I'll be praying for you!! πŸ’—
Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍
"Many people hear the word disciple and think it means only β€œfollower.” But genuine discipleship is a state of being. This suggests more than studying and applying a list of individual attributes. Disciples live so that the characteristics of Christ are woven into the fiber of their beings, as into a spiritual tapestry."
-Elder Robert D. Hales πŸ’• (I LOVE HIM and will miss him so much!) 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

2017 09/27 "CONFERENCE TIME IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dear home,
First of all, I am DYING because of Bryson and the bacon story. I love that boy. Oh my goodness. ALSO. Dean's home-teaching companion, Nikita, is engaged to my bff Ivis. Yay. I took the Emergen-C on my own and used my agency to do it THANK YOU VERY MUCH. As I was drinking it and gagging because it's awful, the spirit said "Remember when dad told you to warm it up?" It changed from being the most vile thing ever to Christmas in a cup. Thanks, dad. You're pretty smart! β€πŸ˜‰

CONFERENCE TIME IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!! 3 more sleeps, kids! I am SO excited. Wasn't the women's conference just the best???? Instead of explaining the thoughts in my head, here's a list of things I loved:

Sister Eubank:
- Distinct and different: in happy ways!
- Integrity is more valuable than visibility.
- Righteous does not mean being perfect
- Practice living the gospel before the emergency.
- "Sisters, will you be righteous?"

Sister Marriott:
- Priority sifting: Some things matter, some things don't. Some things last, some things won't.
- Sacrifice your personal agenda
- Simple love, honestly expressed, brings hope and value to all of God's children πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
- "Will you please give me a portion of your love so thst I can love her too?"

Sister Jones:
- I have value as an individual (YOU DO TOO)
- God created me with value and purpose. (YOU TOO)
- We have the capacity to become like God
- Why not me?
- Comparison is the thief of joy
- Let's not be confused about who we are

President Uchtdorf:
- Don't let others opinions bring you down
- You are not a victim (Be an agent for change! -President Smith)
- Don't let others control your feelings
- Remember who you are
- Don't surrender yoir happiness to others
- I am responsible for my own discipleship
- Let go of things you can't control

We went and watched conference at the Manhattan Temple chapel and all the women in the stake were there as well. It was interesting to see how nobody was paying attention when President Eyring and President Uchtdorf walked in. Nobody listened to the music. People were still talking even after it had started- chatting and catching up with friends. What's your focus when you watch conference? What's most important? YOU CAN CHAT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AFTER CONFERENCE OKAY. I love conference because it's a time for me to review my goals and revise them with the counsel the prophet gives. Have you written your conference questions down?? I hope so! Refocus and open your heart to the spirit. I know God talks to man on the earth. President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today. πŸ’— How grateful I am for this time.
I love you!

Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Story time

Train ride Selfie

Note: We went to IHOP while Makail and Deena went to the Womon's Conference. Bryson loves bacon but ordered a waffle for dinner. Jacob's dinner came with bacon and he shared a bite with Bryson. Bryson took a bite of the bacon and apparently did not like the taste of it and proclaimed "Well that pig died in vain". 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

2017 09/20 "Good job, Madeleine!"

Yooooooooooooooooo what's up πŸ‘‹
I hope Jacob survived his 22 mile bike ride πŸ˜‚ That honestly sounds awful but it's fine πŸ˜‚ That's like biking the whole island of Manhattan πŸ˜‚ (SOUNDS LIKE DEATH.)

Sidenote before I forget: there's a town in New York called "South Bainbridge". Joseph and Emma were married there! Also, I'm getting over this little cold thing or whatever and I literally have to pray for help to sneeze πŸ˜‚ it is so pathetic.

Okay, last random thing: Do Grandma and Grandpa Wood know a Russell or Reid McKenna? Brother and Sister McKenna in our ward sent you that picture of us on Sunday and they're from Logan! Brother McKenna has 2 brothers that live right by Grandma and Grandpa! (We looked it up on Google maps πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

Well ANYWAY. This week was GOOD. Madeleine is officially a member of the church! πŸ’• She was SOOOOOOOO happy on Saturday and Sunday. And the ward just adores her. She was asked to share her testimony, which she was very excited to do, but ended up just crying the whole time because she felt the spirit so strong. After, the ward provided a little lunch and while I was talking to her she said "Sister Bain, I couldn't even get the words out because I've never felt the spirit like that before. I felt like Heavenly Father was standing there hugging me and telling me "Good job, Madeleine!" It was such a sweet moment for me and to see her so happy was the best ever. πŸ’— My heart is so full πŸ’—
Nothing super big to report on this week besides Madeleine's special day! We've been able to meet a lot of cool people and haven't had anyone bring alcohol to church so that's a win! πŸ‘Œ

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve my Heavenly Father. As the days have started to go by faster and faster, I've reflected a lot on all the special moments and the special people that I've met on my mission and looking forward to meeting so many more incredible souls in the coming weeks. I seem to end up crying every time I do that, because the people I've met in CT and New York hold such a big part of my heart. The miracles I've seen have changed me and I've been able to more fully recognize the hand of my Father in Heaven in my life πŸ’ž I know that God truly is my loving Heavenly Father and I know that He loves each of us, individually.

I love you all and hope you have the best week ever.

All my love,
Sister Bain 🍍

Sisters in Zion

Break time, which means it's time to take another selfie.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2017 09/13 "Remember when I would throw a fit"

Remember when I would throw a fit when I had to drink that Emergen-C stuff? And I always threw an even bigger fit when dad told me to warm it up? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Well, turns out dad was RIGHT and it's better warm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but that's all I'm going to say about that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

We didn't do anything special for 9/11 (Happy Birthday, Kyle!!!!!!!) But we were able to see the remembrance lights from downtown. It was so beautiful. The City definitely had a different vibe that day. β€

This was the best week of my life because I love my companion, Harlem was nice to us 75% of the week, AND PRESIDENT NELSON CAME TO TOWN. Woot woot. He winked at me and told me I play beautifully on the piano so yay for that πŸ‘Thanks for the piano lessons, mom. You're THE BEST πŸ’— So, basically I wish you all could have been here with me and my friend President Nelson because he is just too cool. We had the opportunity to hear from his wife as well at a women's conference and Madeleine was able to come with us!! πŸ’• President and Sister Nelson came, Elder Gong from the presidency of the 70 and his wife, Bishop Waddell the presiding bishop and his wife, and Elder and Sister Buckner from the 70 were there as well (they live in the Manhattan 1st Ward so I've been in a general authorities apartment before so πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘) Okay now that I'm done bragging.....πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

Here are some of my favorite quotes from this weekend:

β˜€οΈSister Nelson--
Come to terms with things you cannot change
Move forward with total faith
You can't say "lead me, guide me" and then say "just kidding"
The world is a spook alley so ya better be careful kids!
So the church built Heber Valley Girls Camp. Yeah, the church loves the YW so much they bought them a mountain. So, there's that.
Premortally, you were awesome.
You have 16 million people praying for you. You are never alone in this work.

β˜€οΈPresident Nelson--
Tell your family "thanks" from Brother Nelson for supporting you & praying for you
Wow, it's like it's my birthday or something! Oh wait, it is my birthday! And there's nobody else I'd rather spend it with than you!
Repent and move on. Go forward with faith.

Another WONDERFUL part of this week was at the women's conference when I saw Sister McMullin and Sister Davis from DARIEN!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! ❀❀❀ They told me that Bridgette, our recent convert who was baptized when Sister Sam and I were there, blessed her baby in church on Sunday AND her non-member husband and parents were there!!! Sister McMullin's husband blessed him and Bridgette specifically asked Brother McMullin to bless him that he would serve a mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM LITERALLY CRYING RIGHT NOW JUST TYPING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ’–β˜€οΈπŸ€—πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊπŸ™„πŸ˜‹ I AM SO HAPPY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I AM DYING πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‹
Also, Madeleine is getting baptized this week and we are SO excited. She is just too wonderful. She tells us every day how grateful she is to be part of the "Mormon church of Harlem". She is the absolute best 😊

Well, that's about all from here. We're just living the life here in Harlem πŸ€—
I love you!

Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Madeleine, Sister Bain, & Sister Holmes

President & Sister Nelson with the NYNYN mission

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2017 09/06 "God is so good and He will always come through"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA WOOD TOMORROW!!! WOOT WOOT #25YearsOld AMIRIGHT? Love you love you love you Grandma!! 

The remodel is looking SO good. I'm glad Grandpa Wood will be comfortable when he comes to visit hahaha I love him. 

This week was good! We had I'll be finishing my mission in Harlem because........I'm training a new missionary again! Her name is Sister Holmes! I picked her up YESTERDAY and she is just too wonderful. I super love her already. Dad, who was your trainer in Japan? What did you love about him? 

The theme of the last couple of weeks has been "I can do hard things." We had MLC this week in Scarsdale and that's what we talked about. It was all about accomplishing hard things through Jesus Christ. It was fun to reflect on all the times that dad has said that to me. IT'S SO TRUE. I thought about Nephi and how he NEVER complained against the Lord because he was asked to do something hard. Right after MLC, President Smith called me into his office and told me the Lord had called me to be a trainer and I literally just started to cry because the first thought that came to my mind was "Training is so hard though." HAHAHAHAHA President just smiled and said "Well Sister Bain, you can do hard things." hahaha it made me laugh because I pictured dad standing in front of me telling me that hahaha Mom and dad, thank you so much for teaching me and loving me enough to help me overcome hard things. I am so grateful for you!

Madeleine is doing well. She's still on date to be baptized on September 16th!! We are so excited for her. We taught the word of wisdom this week and at the end we said "Madeleine, will you live the word of wisdom?" and she looked at us and said "Ugh. Sisters! Why would you even ask me that? Do you think I wouldn't want to live that? OF COURSE I will live the word of wisdom". hahahahaha IF ONLY IT WAS THAT EASY TO TEACH EVERYONE IN HARLEM. We love our Madeleine. She's taught me so much about trusting in the Lord in ALL THINGS. She always says "Sister Bain. Quit your worrying. God is so good and He will always come through." I am so grateful for Madeleine and the love that she has the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that it's all true and I know that our Heavenly Father wants us- His children, to succeed. And that's why He gave us the gospel of Jesus Christ. #BLESSED. 

I am so grateful for this time that I have to be a missionary! It's the best full-time job anyone could have. I have loved every second, even the hard times, because I know that through Jesus Christ WE CAN DO HARD THINGS. And I know that in the end, we'll look back and realize that it wasn't really that hard. It could be a lot worse, but with Jesus Christ we can always overcome. I KNOW THAT THAT'S TRUE! 
I love you all and I know that you will be able to overcome hard things this week as you rely on the Lord and His love and grace.

Love always,
Sister Bain 🍍

Ps. Will you have Jacob read 2 Nephi 2:2 and email me what he liked about it. Please and thank you!

Cute Sister Brooklyn Holmes from Cedar Hills, UT! She is the sweetest ever. Also, when you see her in person...she looks exactly like Melissa Mitchell. (Ps.Tell Melissa I love her.)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

2017 08/30 - "The Secret of the Camel"

Hey Fam! Good luck remodeling the bathroom. That is quite the project! AH.   Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sally tomorrow!! She is getting SO OLD. AND! ROOMIE WENT TO COLLEGE? I'm sure it was hard for Dean and Jo to go up and down all those stairs and stuff helping her move in πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ I hope she's settling in and having fun! Everyone is growing up so fast. BRIANNE WENT BACK TO COLLEGE TOO? I hope she enjoys my car haha (but seriously.) Okay actually, speaking of my/DAD's car, is the bluetooth speaker still in there? Because I need that. I don't need it as a missionary obviously, but a few months...I'm gonna need it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Okay well anyway.

Something I love about Harlem is that you can do whatever you want and nobody will say one word about it. For example, a person can go to church with a suitcase full of alcohol and start mixing drinks right in the middle of sacrament meeting and then offer some to the sister missionaries sitting next to you. Oh wait, that wasn't an example. THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE THIS WEEK πŸ˜£πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‘ It's. Fine. #HarlemLife 

A story was sent to me a couple of days ago that I wanted to share with you. Let me know what you think! 

**The Secret of the Camel**
The camel is an interesting animal. It's not one of the most beautiful. It has thick matted hair that falls off in clumps. It has knobby knees and a big hump on its back. It is referred to as a "ruminant" because it regurgitates its swallowed food to chew again, and then swallows it again. However, the camel is a wonderful pack animal. It is used for transportation in many countries. Camels can carry up to 600 pounds and average twenty miles a day over rugged terrain. They can travel in hot conditions and go for long periods of time without water. They truly are amazing animals. Regardless of its looks or mannerisms, a camel is loved by its master, for it is useful, obedient, and needed.

Here is the camel's secret....each night, at the end of a long day, the camel kneels at the feet of his master. His master carefully lifts the burden from the camel's back so it can rest comfortably through the night. The next morning, the camel kneels again before his master, and the master gently places the burden on the camel's back for another day. He is careful to rearrange things here or there if he sees that the pack is wearing a sore spot. This enables the camel to carry his burden for another day.

Throughout His life, the Savior was referred to as Master. He loves us regardless of our looks or mannerisms. He desires for us to be useful and obedient. May we practice the secret of the camel. As we kneel each night at the feet of our Master, may He lift our burdens, that we may rest well and comfortably. As we kneel each morning, may we realize that He knows of our pain, our suffering, and our sorrows, for He has felt them all. May our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ be sufficient to help us carry our burdens...for just one more day.

Isn't that SO. COOL??? πŸ’žπŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ˜Š As a misison, we're studying the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I've always had a hard time grasping the concept of the Atonement because there's no way my little brain can even comprehend the reality of what Jesus Christ went through. But as I've studied the ENABLING power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I've come to understand that we are given strength through our Savior. Physical strength, emotional strength, spiritual strength...etc. Because our Savior knows each of us individually, He knows of our pains and our sufferings and because of His perfect LOVE for each of us, He is 100% willing and able to take those from us. And when we wake up in each morning, He's willing and able to give us the strength we need to faithfully endure. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that because of Him, I have the opportunity to have my burdens taken from me. I don't know how it all works and I don't know the logistics of everything, I just know that when I ask for strength to endure, I am always okay in the end. I know He lives and that Jesus is the Christ. I'm grateful for the knowledge that I have of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and for knowledge that I have of my Savior. I know that His Atonement really does work in my life. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

3rd Nephi 20:38
For thus saith the Lord: Ye have sold yourselves for naught, and ye shall be redeemed without money.

I love you all so much and I'd invite you to think about your personal testimony of the Savior. What are you doing TODAY to build your testimony? πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Love always,

Sister Bain 🍍

We got cages put on our windows so nobody breaks in hahaha it's the worst. Sister Horton said "Good morning prison mate" to me today πŸ˜‚

Madeleine and Anne came to Stake Conference with us (Madeleine called it "the Mormon convention" hahahaha 

Anne made us dinner the other night. Plantains for dayzzzzzzz 

Madeleine-- she's getting baptized on September 16th! She is so fabulous. She's Anne's best friend! <3

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

2017 08/23

WHAT'S UP ❀ You can write November 29th in pen 😊 It's a big day! πŸ˜‰ I'm excited that everyone is starting school!! Yay!! Kids in NYC are usually in school all year long so count your blessings that you get summer vacation.... #blessed 

I am so excited for Evie and Johnnie to be baptized this Saturday! Evie has grown up so much!! I'm glad all is well at home and that Jacob has the opportunity to take part in missionary work! THAT MAKES ME CRY BECAUSE I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR HIM. What a rockstar. Jacob, Grant, and Bryson are such good examples to me. (I'm still low-key dying that Jacob is going into high school. πŸ˜‚

Anne is doing well. Thank you all for always asking about her! She just received a calling to be a gospel principles teacher!! 🀘HOW. COOL. We had the opportunity to do family history with her and she was able to remember all the information for her parents, her grandparents, and her great-grandparents! It was super cool because she was telling us that because of all the civil wars in her country, there aren't a lot of records left so all of her family tree will have to be from the memory of her and her family. While Anne was doing Family History with us and she said she has a grandpa who is 99 years old and still living!! She said, "He only eats greens so he's still goin strong" πŸ˜‚ I LOVE HER ❀❀❀ Also, she remembered that my favorite fruit is pineapple SO SHE BOUGHT ME A PINEAPPLE. #BLESSED I also gave her some swedish fish and she didn't like those πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Something that I've been studying a lot this week is charity. When people say "What is charity?" 9 times out of 10 someone will say "it's the pure love of Christ." WHICH IS TOTALLY RIGHT, but what does that really mean??? What really is the pure love of Christ? I looked up charity in the Bible Dictionary and it says that charity is the highest and nobelest of love. It's the same love that our Heavenly Father and our Savior have for each of us. We are to become like Jesus Christ and to love as He loves- we develop Christlike charity by serving those around us and showing them our love. What have you done this week to serve someone else? What something that stops us from serving those around us? For me, it's usually because I think I'm too busy or I think I'm too tired. But then I thought about different things that I can sacrifice to show others that I love them. Sometimes, we must sacrifice A LOT to serve someone but we have to remember that the Savior gave up His life in serving us. Serve is an opportunity for us to turn outward instead of inward-- because turning inward is a whole lot easier. Serving people in Harlem has forced me to look outside myself and my own life and see others the way the Savior sees them. We also have to make ourselves available to serve others. When I think of charity and love I first think of mom and dad because their the best but I also think about King Benjamin. He was chosen to be king but chose to work for himself and create his own means. He didn't just chill in his super nice air conditioned palace and order people around, but he went out and labored among his people. He didn't want his people to think of him as a burden. He wanted to lighten their load. First of all, he was a righteous leader but he was also very considerate of his people and he wanted to show his love by serving them and serving WITH them.

<< Mosiah 2:14-15 >>
14 And even I, myself, have labored with mine own hands that I might serve you, and that ye should not be laden with taxes, and that there should nothing come upon you which was grievous to be borneβ€”and of all these things which I have spoken, ye yourselves are witnesses this day.
15 Yet, my brethren, I have not done these things that I might boast, neither do I tell these things that thereby I might accuse you; but I tell you these things that ye may know that I can answer a clear conscience before God this day.

So, who are you going to serve this week and what are you going to do to show your love? How are you going to become more like the Savior through service? 

I hope you all have the best week ever full of opportunities to bring others closer to Jesus Christ through service!

I love you!!

Love always,
Sister Keauna Bain 🍍

"Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end." Doc Cov 100:12

I think you underestimate my awesomeness

Me and Harlem